Hai Sahabat Pro!

1. What is KasPro?

KasPro is a smartphone-based payment application that allows their user to do cashless financial transactions such as money transfer & money deposit, we also facilitate our user with QR Code payment & purchasing.

2. How to register your KasPro account?

1.Download KasPro at Google Play Store & Apple App Store

2.Enter the phone number you want to register

3.Enter the OTP that are texted to your phone number

4.Fill your registration form (First name, Last name, Your email, PIN Number, Re-enter your PIN Number)

5.Choose continue

6.KasPro Homepage will appear in the application if the account creation is successful

3. What is the benefit of KasPro premium account?

Maximum balance at KasPro can be up to IDR20.000.000

Can transfer money to fellow KasPro user, Bank account & E-Money

4. How to become a premium at KasPro?


1.Take a picture of yourself holding an ID

2.Make sure your whole face is visible while holding ID

3.Fill your ID Number

4.Choose upgrade premium

5.Enter your KasPro PIN

6.Wait for your transaction to be processed by KasPro customer service

7.Notification will appear if the account successfully becomes premium

8.Log out of your KasPro account KasPro

9.Log-in back to KasPro account to become premium account

5. Can different numbers be used for a KasPro account on one cell-phone?

Possible, as long as the email hasn’t been registered as KasPro user

6. If my smartphone is lost what should I do?

Call KasPro customer support via support@kaspro.id, so that your KasPro account can be deactivated

7. How to change your KasPro PIN?

1.Enter your current PIN Number1.Enter your current PIN Number

2.If succeed, enter a new PIN Number

3.Make sure your PIN number never been used in your previous account

4.Choose Continue

5.Re-enter your PIN number that you have wanted

6.Choose Continue

7.In-app notifications will appear if PIN number changes successfully

8. What should I do if my KasPro account got blocked?

Contact KasPro customer support via (021)30053390 for telephone & via support@kaspro.id for email if you want your KasPro account to be reactivated